Enveloped By Standards

By: Mark Wagner Every operation has a specification they need their material size to be within: Whether it’s ASTM specifications for aggregate operations, key performance indicators for crushers and SAGs, or blast metrics for explosives selection, these standards are crucial in streamlining an operation’s process. For example: an operation in northern Quebec, Canada (if you […]

Can Delta Store The Images Captured By Automated Systems?

By: Kevin Rivard Question: Can Delta store the images captured by automated systems? Answer: Simple answer is yes. The computer is able to store up to 1000MB worth of images without any issues. Once beyond this point the hard drive could start having problems accessing the image folder causing the computer to run slower than normal, so […]

What Maintenance is Required for WipWare Photoanalysis Systems?

By: Kevin Rivard Question: What regular maintenance is required for WipWare Photoanalysis Systems? Answer: The only regular maintenance required for our systems is to ensure the lens and lights are clean with as little dust/dirt as possible. The frequency that the system will need to be cleaned will depend on the environment it operates in: ENVIRONMENT/ FREQUENCY  […]

How Does WipWare Facilitate Training For Its Unique Products?

By: Cory Sloan Question: How does WipWare facilitate training for its unique products? Answer: WipWare goes above and beyond to ensure that not only customers, but any individual or company who may show interest in a WipWare product has the utmost training and confidence when it comes to utilizing our extensive line of photoanalysis systems. WipWare offers […]

Getting the Picture(s): Continuous Monitoring Through Photoanalysis

By: Mark Wagner WipWare has been in the image analysis business for about 20 years commercially, so we’ve seen a wide range of mining and aggregate sites, all with their unique challenges. One thing that stays consistent with every operation is the need to reduce particle sizes to ideal sizes for either the extraction of […]

How do I Edit WipFrag Nets?

By: Kevin DeVuono Question: What is the recommended way to manually edit nets using WipFrag? Answer: We recommend that you first find a suitable starting EDP that will delineate the majority of the small-to medium-sized particles. The larger particles will be much easier to manually edit than smaller particles. To find a suitable starting EDP: 1. With […]