What Should I Use as a Proper Scale?

By: Paul Chivers Question: What should I use as a proper scale? Answer: It is essential to include some type of scaling device in photographs for fragmentation analysis. It’s recommended to use any solid scaling device with a contrasting color to the material which can be laid down flat on the material in question. White is usually […]

Where Should I Install WipWare Technology?

By: Mark Wagner Are you new to photoanalysis technology? Perhaps you have an installation, and would like to investigate other locations to improve efficiencies? Read on past the jump for some of WipWare’s most popular locations. “Where would be an ideal location to install your technologies?” If I had a nickel for every time I’ve […]

Pit to Plant a Hit!

Participants jetted in recently from seven countries across four continents to join Canadian attendees for WipWare’s most successful training seminar ever. The sold-out 5th Annual WipWare Training Seminar at the Canadian Ecology Centre in Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park, near North Bay, Ontario, from September 16-19, drew positive reviews from attendees from Australia, South Africa, Netherlands, UK, Brazil, […]

Enveloped By Standards

By: Mark Wagner Every operation has a specification they need their material size to be within: Whether it’s ASTM specifications for aggregate operations, key performance indicators for crushers and SAGs, or blast metrics for explosives selection, these standards are crucial in streamlining an operation’s process. For example: an operation in northern Quebec, Canada (if you […]

Can Delta Store The Images Captured By Automated Systems?

By: Kevin Rivard Question: Can Delta store the images captured by automated systems? Answer: Simple answer is yes. The computer is able to store up to 1000MB worth of images without any issues. Once beyond this point the hard drive could start having problems accessing the image folder causing the computer to run slower than normal, so […]

What Maintenance is Required for WipWare Photoanalysis Systems?

By: Kevin Rivard Question: What regular maintenance is required for WipWare Photoanalysis Systems? Answer: The only regular maintenance required for our systems is to ensure the lens and lights are clean with as little dust/dirt as possible. The frequency that the system will need to be cleaned will depend on the environment it operates in: ENVIRONMENT/ FREQUENCY  […]