What’s the Easiest Way to Get Fragmentation Data From a Photo?

By: Paul Chivers Question: What’s the easiest way to get particle size distribution data on my material from a photograph? Answer: Why not take the approach many engineers and blast consultants do and leave image analysis to the experts? Expert services offer the simplest and least time-consuming introduction to fragmentation analysis. You take a series […]

To Calibrate, or Not to Calibrate; That is the Question!

By: Mark Wagner To calibrate, or not to calibrate; that is the question. And it’s an important question to ask prior to installing your online bulk material analysis system, regardless of the industry you’re in. This article will help you figure out why calibration may or may not be your best bet, and whether you […]

Photoanalysis System Calibration

By: Paul Chivers Photoanalysis system data can be used for process control or to track relative changes without calibration. However, if your goal is to replace manual sieving then calibration is required. The calibration procedure outlined below is taken from the Calibration Document which is available to photoanalysis system users after logging into the Customer […]

What Should I Use as a Proper Scale?

By: Paul Chivers Question: What should I use as a proper scale? Answer: It is essential to include some type of scaling device in photographs for fragmentation analysis. It’s recommended to use any solid scaling device with a contrasting color to the material which can be laid down flat on the material in question. White is usually […]

Where Should I Install WipWare Technology?

By: Mark Wagner Are you new to photoanalysis technology? Perhaps you have an installation, and would like to investigate other locations to improve efficiencies? Read on past the jump for some of WipWare’s most popular locations. “Where would be an ideal location to install your technologies?” If I had a nickel for every time I’ve […]

Pit to Plant a Hit!

Participants jetted in recently from seven countries across four continents to join Canadian attendees for WipWare’s most successful training seminar ever. The sold-out 5th Annual WipWare Training Seminar at the Canadian Ecology Centre in Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park, near North Bay, Ontario, from September 16-19, drew positive reviews from attendees from Australia, South Africa, Netherlands, UK, Brazil, […]