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WipWare 荣获 Noba 创新奖

There’s always something new at 威普公司. It seems the WipWare research and development team never sleeps.

That drive to improve was rewarded last night at the 29th Annual Northern Ontario Business Awards in Thunder Bay when Technical Officer Thomas Palangio accepted the NOBA 创新奖 对于 WipWare。

公司总裁 Tom Palangio 表示:“看到 WipWare 团队在我们的产品和服务的持续创新方面所付出的努力获得了如此高的认可,我感到非常欣慰。”

As a high tech firm that constantly lives and breathes innovation, WipWare donated a 3D printer to Canadore College’s ICAMP innovation lab to provide themselves and other Northern Ontario companies with the capacity to conduct rapid product prototyping.
In the next few years, Palangio said the emphasis will continue to be on product improvement and expanding into other industries with his son, Thomas, the company’s chief technical officer, leading the way.

NOBA INnvovation award article 2015

WipWare continues to do research and development, always improving on their product line and looking at continuous improvement.

这 北安大略商业奖 (NOBA) 是一项旨在通过举办年度颁奖晚会来庆祝和激活安大略省北部成功企业的计划。