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实时碎片分析采访 Tom Palangio

在温哥华举行的 CIM 2018 上, WipWare,汤姆帕拉吉奥和杰罗德唐尼坐下来 皇冠合伙人. They discussed Automatic Real-Time Fragmentation Analysis and the changes that technology is bringing to the mining industry.

How WipWare got its Name

One of the questions frequently asked is how the name WipWare came about. The WIP stands for Waterloo Image Process – take a picture of broken material and get engineering data from it. Tom and some Waterloo colleagues developed the technology that WipWare uses today in their WipFrag real-time fragmentation analysis software. 

Before technology like WipFrag, you’d look at a blast and have to visually try to determine if it was good. Another method was to stop the belt and take a manual sample. Then, wait for the sieve results which could take hours, even days. So, by the time the results came back, they weren’t actionable and this was an ineffective method. With WipWare’s fragmentation analysis systems and software, you get real-time results immediately to make quantitative decisions to improve your processes. 

Tom Palangio, Jerrod Downy sitting at a desk having an interview about real-time fragmentation analysis

Cutting Edge Technology

In the past, “it has been difficult to introduce new technology into a traditional business”. The mining industry “hasn’t always been receptive to change”. With remote sensing, robotics and automation becoming common technology, WipWare’s real-time fragmentation analysis systems and software is on the cutting edge of this new technology.

Now, the mining industry is becoming more receptive to automatic processes. Tom explains, “Our technology allows you to measure material in real-time. If you’re off spec, you can adjust it and it’s not disruptive”.  Imaging, computer and sensor technology has really improved. Tom states, “We thought creating the data…was a reason for being…but it’s getting the data to the people that can act on it”.

Mobile Device Compatibility

两年前,WipWare 决定将该技术集成到移动设备上,并推出了 WipFrag iOS。在 18 个月内有超过 5000 次下载,WipFrag iOS 现在可以通过 App Store 获得。


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