WipWare Closes the Innovation Gap

Janice Leuschen interviewed Tom Palangio, President of WipWare for The Canadian Mining Journal in their February/March edition located under the Sudbury Innovation Cluster section on Innovation and Commercialization.

In the article, Tom speaks about WipWare’s WipFrag software and the ability to measure a blast. “For us to be able to measure it in real time, actually opened a whole bunch of doors to the automated process.”

He believes that the market for new products and services for mines is opening. “NOW IS THE TIME”.

It has been difficult, in the past, to get mining companies to look at new technologies to improve their processes. The Commercialization gap has makes it challenging for inventors to convince mines to use their new inventions. 

In the mid-1990’s, Tom paired WipFrag software with his consulting services. This provided a great opportunity to show the mining industry how the software works giving tangible results. Due to an agreement with his former employer, Tom was not allowed to sell his WipFrag software domestically. As a result, Tom travelled extensively throughout Panama, Peru, Chile, South Africa and Australia. The international mining industry is more receptive to new innovations and technology. 

In 1998, Tom started selling domestically and has continued, to this day, to expand into the North American market. 

You can read more on this interview on page 49-51 for the full article.